Por @Wicho

Cory Doctorow comenta en Cory's All About Symbian interview, part two que ya está en línea la segunda parte de una entrevista que le hizo la gente de AAS en la que cuenta que tras haberse mudado a Londres no se atreve a usar los servicios de datos porque en Europa las operadoras no ofrecen verdaderas tarifas planas para datos:

"It's a great phone, but I'm scared to do anything with it." For a man toting the fastest PowerBook ever made, and completely in touch with the electronic world, this surprises me. "I'm largely scared of doing any of the advanced things on my phone mainly due to the cost. And by the cost I mean the ridiculous per megabyte data pricing everyone in Europe seems to have. In the States I had a simple data phone, nothing fancy. But with it I had a $50 a month unlimited data plan. A true unlimited plan, not an unlimited plan until you reach 10mb of Wap Data. Because it was flat rate, it meant that I could take risks and chances with services. I would play with the phone and see just what is possible, because I knew I would never get stuck with one of those bills where you go 'Shit! How did I spend €100 looking up the football scores?!?' So that's scared me off."
En resumen, para los que tengan problemas con la lengua de Xexpir:
¡Joder! ¿¡¿Cómo es que me he gastado 100 libras en mirar los resultados del fútbol?!?
Yo nunca he disfrutado de una tarifa USA como las que comenta Cory, pero conozco casos de facturas de cienes y cienes de euros por uso de conexiones GPRS que me hacen pensarme seriamente lo de usarlas, así que entiendo perfectamente la postura de Cory.

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