Por @Alvy

ers (Eric S. Raymond) que es un bien conocido gurú de la Red, además de hacker, net.god, anarquista y otras cuantas cosas, habla en su blog (Armed and Dangerous) sobre Irak y por qué El Fascismo no ha Muerto, con extensas referencias a la Guerra Civil Española.

Pio Moa's thesis is that the Spanish Civil War was not a usurping revolt against a functioning government, but a belated attempt to restore order to a country that had already collapsed into violent chaos five years before the Fascists landed in 1936.

I've studied the history of the Spanish Civil War enough to know that Moa's contrarian interpretation is not obviously crazy. I had an unusual angle; I'm an anarchist, and wanted to grasp the ideas and role of the Spanish anarchist communes. My conclusions were not pleasant. In short, there were no good guys in the Spanish Civil War.

El artículo es profundo y extenso. Y está aderezado por comentarios de todos los gustos de los lectores. Seguro que a ers le interesarán comentarios de lectores españoles que entiendan del tema.

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