Por @Alvy

Poco a poco, poco a poco... te dan un certificado al pasar de las 2.500 unidades de trabajo en SETI@home. Estas son las estadísticas de los últimos años donando tiempo de CPU:

Name alvy
Results Received 2,502
Total CPU Time 3.848 years
Average CPU Time per work unit 13 hr 28 min 26.6 sec
Average results received per day 1.80
Registered on: Monday, May 17, 09:02:38, 1999 UTC
SETI@home user for 3.804 years
You belong to the group named SETI-Hispano
Your rank (based on current workunits received)
Your rank out of 4,280,933 total users is: 60,908th place.
The number of users who have this rank: 35
You've completed more work units than 98.5% of our users
Sólo falta añadir... Número de marcianos encontrados: 0 ;-)

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