Por Nacho Palou —
Algo de conspiranoia respecto al huracán Katrina, The Tsunami that was Katrina
This nation has not faced an economic crisis like the one that Katrina will spark in the days and months ahead. But that is one of the reasons Katrina was absolutely guided along the path that we all watched. This path has resulted in maximum damage to the energy infrastructure, transportation infrastructure and to the psyche of those that remain susceptible to further storms this year and in the years to follow.La frase de George Bush que despertó las sospechas
It's as if the entire Gulf Coast were obliterated by a -- the worst kind of weapon you can imagine(Vía Waxy.org y Metafilter.)
Una vez reconstruida Nueva Orleans ¿pasará la ciudad a llamarse Nueva Nueva Orleans como en Futurama Nueva Nueva York?