Por @Wicho

Poniendo fin a semanas de rumores, Caterina Fake confirma en el blog de Flickr que Yahoo finalmente los ha comprado: Yahoo actually does acquire Flickr...

Lo cual no deja de ser curioso teniendo en cuenta que Stewart Butterfield, uno de los co-fundadores de Flickr decía no hace ni una semana que al próximo en preguntar por el rumor le iba a dar un puñetazo en la barbilla:

Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Flickr, says he has an announcement about the rumored acquisition of Flickr by Yahoo. The announcement is that the next person who asks will get popped in the chin.
A ver que supone esta noticia para el futuro de Flickr.

(Vía Furilo.)

Actualización: Epaminondas se pregunta en los comentarios si la noticia es buena o mala, y la verdad es que esa es la pregunta del millón (o millones) de dólares.

Según van comentando desde Flickr:

What is going to happen to Flickr?
Flickr will be continuing on the path it's on -- to Flickr 1.0 and beyond. We'll be working with a bunch of people that Totally Get Flickr and want to preserve the community and the flavor of what is here. We're going to grow and change, but we're in it for the long haul, with the same management and same team.

You're not going to become a bunch of suits?
No, no, no! The precious DNA we've got -- that of the Ludicrew -- is on side and revving up for building Flickr. Having the team building out the team's vision for Flickr has been stressed as our number one priority, and keeping us around -- in spite of our wiseassery, tomfoolery and tendency to hoot spontaneously -- is crucial for preserving the Flickrness that is Flickr. They're not going to replace any of us with suits, nor induce us to wear them. Lapel? I don't know what you mean.

Actualización (22.3.2005) (Alvy): Da la impresión de que a mucha gente le parece mal que Flickr haya vendido su empresa a Yahoo (ver Mini-D, Pjorge, Pixel y Dixel), aquí expongo por qué a mi me parece estupendo. Sebastián Delmont también ha publicado un buen razonamiento al respecto.

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